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A ZTR250 from Hungary

Dieses Thema im Forum "Vorstellungen neuer Mitglieder" wurde erstellt von zozo, 21. September 2022.

  1. zozo

    zozo Neues Mitglied

    ZTR Baujahr:
    250ccm 2V
    My name is Zoli, an old age pensioner, but young forever :)
    I've a ZTR250 for a years, I've worked continuosly on it, but now work well.
    It has a Bashan 250 ccm (quad) engine, not too fast, about 70 Km/h what it likes, max. speed is 90 Km/h.
    Next year I try to reduce vibration, because it distubes me.
    I thinking about some car's motor stay gum, which suit to frame and engine. Perhaps somebody can help with advice, or somebody has experience in this theme . Now I begining the reading in this great forum :)
    Wide way for everybody!
    Zuletzt bearbeitet: 21. September 2022
  2. Werbung für Besucher

  3. Heiko

    Heiko Aktives Mitglied

    ZTR Baujahr:
    anderer Motor
    Welcome Zoli :cool:
  4. rued

    rued Bekanntes Mitglied

    ZTR Baujahr:
    anderer Motor
    Hello Zoli and welcome, i changed the engine to a Kawasaki EL250, no vibrations at all exept the good :)
    I dont know another way to fix that problem.
    zozo gefällt das.

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